Thursday, August 4, 2011

This far thou shall go and no further

That was the first message that patriots delivered to British (red coats) army who was relentlessly in their pursuit from Boston to Philadelphia. Well, to be historically correct,they didn't actually deliver that message. They nailed it to a tree that was in a very visible location. Either way, for the first time, American patriots stood up and openly claimed this land as their own not king of England’s.

After exhausting several political options, King George III decided to make an example of these ungrateful American colonists. In his mind he felt completely justified. His royal army endured heavy casualty and expense to finally win the seven year war against French and native Indians to secure the colonies. All he wanted was to recover his cost by applying only 3 cents tax per pound to tea imports. But American colonists defied him in an act that was later called “the Boston Tea Party”. British Empire was no stranger to colony uprisings. They had gained plenty of experience in dealing with uprisings of Scottish and Irish in the past. They had the military muscle to shock and awe their subjects into loyalty and obedience. They had learned the best way to show them who is the boss is to stunt the opposition by throwing their biggest punches first.

The king send his three best and most experienced generals along with over four hundreds Battleships armed with thousands of long range cannons and tens of thousands of trained soldiers. The British Army was a skilled, well trained, well paid, and well equipped fighting machine. Patriots’ army on the other hand was assembled from under trained, under disciplined, farm workers and rag tags ranging from as young as nine or ten to sixty plus years of age. They were poor and usually hungry. They however were able to do the impossible and defeat the world's most powerful super power against all odds because they were defending their family and home turf. They made it clear that they would rather die than to obey an outsider.

On this 235th anniversary of Declarations of Independence we owe it to the founding fathers of this land we call home to learn from them and not allow for history to repeat. They taught us that military might is eventually no match for the will of locals who fight to protect their family and land.

There is an old saying that goes something like this: “any poker player can hold or fold. But only the great ones know when to hold and when to fold. Abraham Lincoln thought us that one can gain more respect by knowing when to fold as opposed to staying with a failed policy. I believe it is time for this great nation to commemorate its founding fathers by following their path and ideologies not just carving their faces into the stone and intentionally or not, create another tourist attraction. We must draw a line in the sand and declare that Americans will not be the invader again. We must never again send our young sons, daughters, spouses, friends, and fathers in the harms way unless there is a real need to shield us from a clear and imminent danger. This shield is painted with their blood and sweat. It should be given the respect that it deserves and never be used in vein.

History also supports this home turf theory. The Vietnam conflict is still a tender wound. Korean War was won, but, was it really? How come we still have to deal with “North” Korea as a hostile after half a century? How about Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan? Are we really making any friends in that part of the world?

I think it is time for sons of the patriots of the revolutionary war to stand as a nation and deliver a message to their leaders. The note shall say "we shall no longer tolerate the cost of trading innocent lives with oil or other precious commodities". Let's put the American ingenuity to work to find a cheaper and cleaner energy. The answer just might be over our head on a hot and "sunny" day. If sun can keep us warm and cozy ninety three million miles away then maybe nuclear fusion (if used safely) might be a good option to explore. Using nuclear fusion, sun generates more energy in less than a second that earth can use for thousands of years. It has been doing it consistently for billions of years and will continue to do so. After all, there are only a finite number of dead dinosaurs or vegetation that were buried sixty some million years ago suddenly before they got a chance to decompose properly.
We should use the power of Internet and social media and deliver an old message to the policy makers once again. "This far thou shall go and no further".

About the Author: Dr. Farid Noie  has been in private practice in the Bay Area since 1996. He is a Diplomate of International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Fellow of Academy ofGeneral Dentistry, and Assoc. Fellow of American Academy of Implant Dentistry. He has completed his surgical training at New York University as well as Medical University of South Carolina, Temple University and Wright State University School of Medicine. He completed his oral Anesthesiology training from University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

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